Monday, July 28, 2008

Heartbeats and Re-enlistment ceremony!

Today was an exciting and wonderful day! I had a routine OB appt. this morning at the Naval Hospital and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was so awesome to hear a little heartbeat inside my belly. Everything is great and the midwife said everything looks pretty normal. The heartbeat was 150bpm....very fast. Kenny didn't come to the appt. today because he had to work. He was a little bummed not to be able to hear the heartbeat but I know he'll hear it eventually. I've already gained weight :[ but I'm trying not to worry too much about that. The nurse said to drink lots of water and that'll help keep some of the weight off. So I've been trying to eat healthy and relax!

More fun news...Kenny's re-enlistment ceremony was today!! Although we haven't gotten our bonus yet (hopefully soon, hehe) it was so cool to see the whole thing. I even got a certificate too for supporting him. The battalion commander was there and his Lt. read him the oath. We got lots of pics and I'm sure I'll post some on here eventually. So 4 more years in the Marine Corps, at least. We'll see after this 4 years if he decides to stay in longer. Pretty soon we'll be moving to Cherry Point and I'll be growing bigger and bigger!

Friday, July 25, 2008

12 weeks and 5 days :]

FINALLY!!!! Kenny and I had the first ultrasound yesterday and I am officially 12 weeks and 5 days!!! I can't believe I'm already over 3 months pregnant. No morning sickness either :] Time is going by so quickly and the baby is growing so fast. My due date is February 1st and I already have tons of friends and family picking which day they want the baby born. It was so amazing to see the little baby come up on the monitor. Neither one of us thought it was going to look that developed already. Kenny says, "it looks like a boy." lol but we'll find out soon enough. We're both hoping on a boy but will be happy with either. I can't wait to find out!

Since I'm entering my 2nd trimester hopefully all the sleepiness will go away, at least a little. Everyone says during the 2nd trimester you start to feel better so we'll see! I usually feel okay but I'm always tired!!! Monday I go for my physical and pelvic exam so hopefully all goes well with that. I'll keep everyone updated!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Feeling great...

The picture above is from our wonderful 4th of July weekend! It was the first 4th of July we celebrated together. Last year Kenny was deployed to Iraq so it was great just having him home. We spent the day at Camp Lejeune with friends and watched Leanne Womack in concert. The rest of the weekend we spent with friends at BBQ's and hanging out at home.

I've been feeling pretty great lately which I'm very happy about. I've been tired and occasionally get headaches but other than that Baby Kryg's is being a great roomate inside my belly. I just can't wait until the first ultrasound to find out how far along he or she is! According to Kenny it's a boy already and if it does happen to be a girl, "she better go back in there and grow more." Of course he's just kidding (I hope).

We have a pretty busy next couple weeks planned. This weekend we're driving home for vacation and to spend some time with family. We'll be going to his parents beach house in NJ and also spending time at my parents. Kenny has a motorcycle course next weekend that he's really excited about! Hopefully I feel like good all the way through vacation! We'll see...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy July!

I can't believe it's already July! It's already been over a week since we found out we're pregnant. Time is flying by but I hope the summer doesn't pass too quickly. Friday is the 4th of July and I can't wait to go watch fireworks.
So I'll be setting up an appointment with WIC pretty soon so we can start getting some necessities while I'm pregnant and after the baby is born. Seeing as formula is outrageous. I've felt pretty good for the past few days. I had a headache a few times but nothing more than that. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant! Let's pray it stays that way. I recently weighed myself and so far haven't gained any extra lbs...we'll see how fast that creeps up on me.