Thursday, June 26, 2008

1st Appt!

I woke up early this morning and remembered it was time to schedule my first OB/GYN appt! I'm so excited to find out exactly how far along I really am. So my first ultrasound is on July 24th, which is great time because it's two days after we return from vacation. On June 28th I have my first pelvic exam (woo hoo) but I'm relieved that everything is scheduled.

I also found out some great news yesterday about my friend Becky. While Kenny and I were at the commissary, we ran into her husband Charlie. She's 6 weeks pregnant!! I'm really excited for her and for me because now I have someone to talk to and go through being preggo with. I wonder how far apart we'll be from our due dates. We'll see!

Today I felt okay just pretty lazy. I think I layed on the couch most of the afternoon watching Harry Potter :D Kenny got home from work early and it was nice to just relax. He says our baby is going to be lazy if I keep being lazy lol. He was just kidding! This weekend I have to work so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I don't feel crappy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Officially" Pregnant

I know two posts in one day, probably thinking I'm a little obsessive already. However I forgot to mention that I had a Dr. appt. yesterday! No ultrasound yet (too early) but I did however have to go in and have an official pregnancy test. Like 2 home tests weren't enough to tell me the stork would be making a delivery soon. That's the way the Marine Corps makes ya do it though. Kenny and I went and of course it came back positive. Although the nurse didn't seem too excited for us, we thought maybe the reaction of some parents to be weren't always as wonderful as ours. So what's next? I have to call tomorrow and my OB/GYN appt. will be set up and the ultrasound will promptly follow.

Time to go eat!

BIG Surprise

VERY BIG surprise and very happy surprise! WE'RE PREGNANT! June 23rd (1 day after my 25th bday) we found out. So whoever decides to read this, here's how it went down.

The past 2 weeks or so I hadn't been feeling so great. I was constantly tired and always had a headache. Most of the time I just associated this with either drinking too much :D or staying up too later playing Wiiii. Kenny and I have been talking about trying to get pregnant; especially after a visit from his brother Daniel and his fiancee Lena with their 7 month old son (our new nephew) Daniel III. However; with my irregular period we never though this day would come. So to make a long story short...on Sunday (my birthday) I was feeling particularly crappy but since it was my birthday we decided to go out to dinner. After dinner we were "supposed" to stop and pick up a preggo test, but we didn't because we were lazy. My new cinnaBUN (inside joke) in the oven wanted to wait 1 more day to let us know.

I woke up Monday morning (June 23rd) feeling so sick I didn't even want to get out of bed! Kenny and I decided that I need to take a test to figure out if we were pregnant and then go from there (because I knew something was making me sick). Kenny was working so I drove to the store and picked up a few things, including a preggo test! As soon as I got home I took the test and really did NOT think it would come up positive. especially after so many failed attempts. That first little, pink line showed up very quickly and I chalked my sickness up to nothing more than a long hangover. Another minute or so passed and as I returned to the bathroom that second (mysterious to me) pink line showed up. I ran downstairs just to re-check the box to make sure that 2 lines meant pregnant...sure enough BABY KRYGIER is on the way.

I called Kenny and after he though I was lying for about 2 minutes finally said, "Hey everyone, we're gonna have a baby!" We spread the great news quickly and everyone is super happy!
So begins the long journey of preggo pains, morning sickness, binge eating, and mood swings! I'll keep everyone (or whoever decides to read this) updated on Baby Krygier!