Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A much needed update...35 wks 3 days.

Well it's been over a month since I last updated and there's so much to talk about! Christmas just passed and we were able to spend a week home in DE visiting family and friends. It was a great time but it was also stressful and uncomfortable for me. I wasn't feeling particularly well but I was thankful to be able to spend the holidays with everyone. I'm now 35 wks and 3 days along and my due date is exactly 1 month away!! I can't believe the next time we visit DE, we will be parents. My parents will be coming down to visit and help out with baby Kenny. We're both very excited for that.
We also were able to visit home for Thanksgiving and my mom threw me a great baby shower. It was a lot of fun and thanks to all of our family and friends we have almost everything for the baby. I tried posting some pics of the baby shower but my computer is being weird so I'll have to post them later.
My next Dr's appt is Jan 7th and that should be fun (NOT). At 36 wks I have to get a group b strep test in which they swab a few certain areas that aren't fun to talk about lol. I'm hoping everything comes back normal and I'm pretty certain it will since I haven't had any problems (knock on wood) so far. All together I think I've gained about 20-23 lbs so far so I'm hoping not to go back 25-30 all together!!!
The baby's room is almost finished and those are some more pics I need to post. His crib is beautiful and now we're waiting on the mattress to be delivered. A few more touches here and there and it'll be all ready to go. As for his closet, I'm pretty sure not one more piece of clothing is going to fit lol. He has a huge wardrobe!!
In other news, Kenny is now stationed at Cherry Point which is about an hour away from where we live. Although he says the drive isn't too bad, he isn't very happy with the unit he's in. There's a deployment looming ahead and as for the month we're not sure yet. We're hearing rumors of March or April so we'll see. I'm really hoping that he doesn't deploy past April because it would be great to have him home for the baby's first Thanksgiving and Christmas, next year.
Well other than that not too much has been going on...just preparing for the baby and hoping he comes soon :) I'll try to post some pics and continue to keep whoever reads this updated :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Almost 29 weeks!

Tomorrow will mark 29 weeks into this pregnancy! I can't believe I'm almost at 30. Time is starting to dwindle down and it still feels like there is so much to do. I finally got around to getting pictures onto the computer....The first two pics are of my ever expanding belly. It keeps growing and growing and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting some stretch marks soon (boooo). Last Monday I had my 28 week glucose test and everything came back normal, so that's a relief. On Wedneday I had my 28 wk checkup and the baby is measuring perfectly she said. I'm right on track (weight wise) and have to finish filling out my admission papers to drop off at the hospital. Everything is going great!

This is the new pack and play that Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop bought for baby Kenny. It's so cute and we had a lot of fun putting it together. I can't wait to see him snoozing away in there!

Lastly this is the color we just finished painting the nursery. The color turned out so great and it's nice and bright! I really hope the baby loves it. Even Sapper (our kitty) was interested in the newly decorated room. Once we have everything finished I'll post more pics :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

3rd trimester!!!

I can't believe it but today marks the start of the third trimester!!!! Time has gone by so quickly and I really can't believe he'll be here in about 12 wks or so. Everything has been so hectic and the weeks have been flying by. Kenny and I finished painting the baby's room and it looks so cute. We did it in a color called "sailing day," which is basically baby blue. It will match his bedding! I will post pictures as soon as I can but unfortunately I can't find the cord to plug my camera into the computer sooo I haven't been able to post any new pics! UGH. It's getting closer and closer to Thanksgiving and the baby shower and I really can not wait to go home. I really wanted to visit home this weekend because Kenny had off for Veteran's Day, but we decided to stay put to save some money. We got our first presents for baby Kenny! Thank you Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. They bought him his pack and play and a front to back carrier for Kenny to carry him in (which Kenny is very excited about). It didn't take us too long to put up the pack and play and it really is adorable.
Monday I have my glucose screening test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes and then Wednesday the 10th I have my 28 wk checkup.
In other news, Kenny's birthday is coming up on the 17th!! YAY honey...he'll be 24! We'll have to figure out something fun to celebrate.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

26 wks and updates!

This is at 24 wks and 5 days!

It's been about 3 weeks since I last updated and believe me TONS has happened! First off...I finally LOOK pregnant. My stomach is showing more and more these days and it's only going to get bigger (as you can see in the picture above). Kenny loves my belly and is always touching it and feeling it. Just recently (yesterday actually) I started feeling the baby kick. I could always feel him moving but now it's more of a kick and now Kenny can also feel it...which he loves! He's pretty active and especially since we love Mexican food he's like my tiny jumping bean! On November 10th I go for my 28 wks glucose test and on the 12th I go for my 28 wk checkup! I'm curious to how much more weight I've gained because after weighing myself at Megan's the other day I haven't gained any since last time I weighed myself. All in all about 11 lbs or so. My appetite is finally in full gear and now I"m always hungry. The third trimester is creeping up very quickly and I'm just waiting for the tiredness again!

In other news, we moved into our new house! It's beautiful and great living here. The neighborhood is so nice and quiet. We love taking the dogs around, especially since we don't have a fence yet (coming shortly). We still have some unpacking to do and we've been rather lazy on that end. Or in Kenny's mind I've been lazy lol! Also we've gotten a few things here and there to decorate the bare walls with and I'm really excited to get started on the baby's nursery!

The holidays are coming up quickly and I'm very excited to go home for Thanksgiving and my baby shower. My mom is throwing it for me and it's going to be a blast. I can not wait to see everyone! As for Christmas we're still not sure if we're gonna make the trip home seeing as I'll be about 34 wks. I guess we'll figure that out when the time comes!

Also, last but not least...MANDI had BABY MAYA! I am so happy and excited for her and Patrick. I know they'll make wonderful parents. Maya is beautiful and healthy and I just can not wait to also be a mommy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

23 wk checkup!

Today I went for my checkup at the Henderson Clinic! I'm 23 wks and 2 days as of right now and my lil man's heartbeat is strong and healthy. Time is really going by so fast right now that I honestly can't believe I'm this far along. We're almost finished our registry and my baby shower is at the end of November. I'm so excited to go home for Thanksgiving and for the baby shower. I still don't really look pregnant (surprise surprise) but at least I'm not gaining TONS of weight. Even though Kenny says I look like "Santa." Thank you my love! As of right now I've gained about 10-12 lbs and I'm only 2 lbs from weighing the same as Kenny. haha. He also thinks this is hilarious. I scheduled my blood glucose test today and in 5 weeks I have to go back for that! In the meantime I hope my belly grows so I look more pregnant then fat!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Life makeover

Our lives are just filling up with changes as we speak! A friend of mine said, "it's like your life is getting a makeover." haha. It's a very good makeover and I've never been more happy to be experiencing all these changes. Besides the fact that I'm now 22 wks and baby Kenny is growing bigger and bigger everyday, we're buying a house, and we just bought a 2007 Chevy Trailblazer! We traded in our ridiculously expensive cars and are now down to 1 car. One car payment is going to be so exciting! And since Kenny has his motorcycle it should work out perfectly :) We've both been so busy with everything going on. Settlement for our new house is October 16th and then we get to move in woo hoo. We've also started our overwhelming baby registry! Here's the link for anyone who reads this blog lol..
We're still not finished but it takes so much time that I tend to take breaks. We picked out our nursery theme and it's going to be helicopters! My mom sent me the idea and the bedding link and we both really love it.

I've been feeling pretty good and have tons of energy (most of the time). I'm hoping to get all of the hard work done before my 3rd trimester because I know my energy/patience will take a nosedive.

Pretty soon I'll post pics of our new truck !

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

20 wks!

This past Sunday I am 20 weeks along and this is what I look like. I know I got jipped huh?? No REAL baby bump yet but I have a feeling that one morning I'm going to wake up and look like I ate a 20lb turkey. Half way (or less) there! I'm really excited. Only a little over 4 months to go and baby Kenny will be here. This Friday I have my 20 wk ultrasound. Now this is where I would usually find out the sex but we already found out so i'm just excited for another chance to see my baby boy.

Some other news...we may not be moving to Cherry Point! YAY! Kenny is most likely staying with 2d CEB but that means we need to find another place to live. We NEED a backyard and a garage so we are in the process of BUYING. We're both really excited and will start to look at houses very soon. I know nothing about buying a house so hopefully it's not too hard. I'm just worried about moving in and getting everything settled before the baby comes. Well that's a little update on us :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a BOY!!!!!!

Well it's official, we are expecting a beautiful baby boy!!! We didn't expect to find out the sex of our baby just quite yet however we were too impatient to wait until Sept. 19th when my 20 wk ultrasound would have been. Kenny and I made an appt. to have a 3d/4d ultrasound done. Yesterday we drove to Wilmington to a place called Womb's Window. It was absolutely amazing! As soon as she started she could tell it was a boy. We are so happy and excited to be having a son. His name will be Kenneth Leonard Krygier Jr. just like his dad. Of course I started tearing up and Kenny was just so excited. The lady was so nice to performed the ultrasound. We got tons of pics and we even got a 30 min dvd to watch! Here's a few of the 3d pics...

He's so gorgeous already if I do say so myself :) Now we can start baby shopping! So much stuff to buy and I can not wait. This has truly been the greatest couple months of our lives. Kenny and I can not wait to be parents. It's all we've ever wanted since we got married almost 2 years ago. In about 10 weeks we'll probably go back to womb's window and get some more pics done. It's only $100 for military couples if you go back again. She also said you can see more developments in the baby when I'm further along. Well that's the news on the baby front!!! I'll keep everyone updated as he grows and grows.

I also wanted to add that my wonderful parents just celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary on Aug. 28th! They are truly a great love story. Congrats Mom & Dad!!! We love you.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

17 wks 3 days.

On the 25th I had another OB appointment. It was really exciting because I love hearing the baby's heartbeat. Kenny wasn't able to come this time :( Sadly he hasn't even gotten to hear the heartbeat yet but I know he'll come one of these days. It was my first appt. at Henderson Clinic and seeing as I've been there plenty of times before, it was really no big deal. My midwife (Lt. Somerville) was awesome. She is super nice and loves to talk (just like myself). I found out she is from Annapolis, Maryland which isn't too far from Delaware. Also, while we were listening to the heartbeat we heard the baby kick! Of course I can't feel kicks yet but she said that's definitely what it was. She asked if I could feel the baby moving around yet and I told her the "flutters" I've been getting. She said that's probably the baby! It's so exciting. I know Kenny wants to be able to feel it but I think he's still got weeks before he can.

I told her about my morning headaches and she said to keep an eye on them. If they continue she can prescribe me something to make it better. Good news to me because I hate having a headache everyday.

This weekend is the Labor Day weekend and we decided to take a trip home. I'm really excited since we haven't seen our family since June I believe. Plus I have ultrasound pictures to show and shopping with my Mommy to do! Plus I miss all my neices and nephews terribly. Kenny is exhausted from working like 12 hr days lately so I think the time away will be good for him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's not goodbye, it's see ya later!

Yesterday was Kassy's "goodbye" lunch put together by Mandi and Trina. It was a sad but fun day. About 10 or so of us met at Cici's for a delicious pizza buffet. I always stuff myself of course! This is the only picture I got so far but there's a group shot of us that some random man took. Kassy and Nate are moving back to Maine because Nate's 4 years are up! What an exciting time for them. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if we were in the same position. Moving home and starting new lives. Sometimes I wish it was.

Although this was the goodbye lunch I know we'll see her and Nate before they leave next Wednesday. Monday night they're having a get together at Logans that we will also be attending. I'm really gonna miss Kas! She is one of the first friends I met after our boys deployed and was very supportive throughout the deployment. It would be wonderful to go to Maine and visit them sometime. Also they'll be visiting in Jacksonville too! So it's not GOODBYE it's see ya later Kas and Nate!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Haven't really posted much lately but not too much to update on. The picture above is from Mandi's baby shower that Kas threw last Friday. It was a great time and Mandi looked so great! This is one of the first pictures of me looking pregnant. I'm still in that, "is she pregnant or just chubby?" phase but slowly but surely my belly is getting bigger. Most of my clothes barely fit anymore and I either have to leave a button undone or be uncomfortable all day. I need to pick up some maternity clothes!

My next Dr's appt is August 25th and I'll be about 18 weeks then. I wish I was getting another ultrasound because I WANT to know some badly what we're having. However the Naval Hospital won't do a second ultrasound until 22 weeks :(

Kenny and I have been discussing names for girls but are still undecided. We have a middle name that will remain a surprise until the time is right. Of course the perfect crib we want isn't available at Babies R Us right now so hopefully that will come in soon!
Other than that Kenny starts journeyman's school this upcoming week and will be busy! After that it's off to Cherry Point, which won't be until December. Great! I'll be over 8 months pregnant and trying to move.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Heartbeats and Re-enlistment ceremony!

Today was an exciting and wonderful day! I had a routine OB appt. this morning at the Naval Hospital and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was so awesome to hear a little heartbeat inside my belly. Everything is great and the midwife said everything looks pretty normal. The heartbeat was 150bpm....very fast. Kenny didn't come to the appt. today because he had to work. He was a little bummed not to be able to hear the heartbeat but I know he'll hear it eventually. I've already gained weight :[ but I'm trying not to worry too much about that. The nurse said to drink lots of water and that'll help keep some of the weight off. So I've been trying to eat healthy and relax!

More fun news...Kenny's re-enlistment ceremony was today!! Although we haven't gotten our bonus yet (hopefully soon, hehe) it was so cool to see the whole thing. I even got a certificate too for supporting him. The battalion commander was there and his Lt. read him the oath. We got lots of pics and I'm sure I'll post some on here eventually. So 4 more years in the Marine Corps, at least. We'll see after this 4 years if he decides to stay in longer. Pretty soon we'll be moving to Cherry Point and I'll be growing bigger and bigger!

Friday, July 25, 2008

12 weeks and 5 days :]

FINALLY!!!! Kenny and I had the first ultrasound yesterday and I am officially 12 weeks and 5 days!!! I can't believe I'm already over 3 months pregnant. No morning sickness either :] Time is going by so quickly and the baby is growing so fast. My due date is February 1st and I already have tons of friends and family picking which day they want the baby born. It was so amazing to see the little baby come up on the monitor. Neither one of us thought it was going to look that developed already. Kenny says, "it looks like a boy." lol but we'll find out soon enough. We're both hoping on a boy but will be happy with either. I can't wait to find out!

Since I'm entering my 2nd trimester hopefully all the sleepiness will go away, at least a little. Everyone says during the 2nd trimester you start to feel better so we'll see! I usually feel okay but I'm always tired!!! Monday I go for my physical and pelvic exam so hopefully all goes well with that. I'll keep everyone updated!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Feeling great...

The picture above is from our wonderful 4th of July weekend! It was the first 4th of July we celebrated together. Last year Kenny was deployed to Iraq so it was great just having him home. We spent the day at Camp Lejeune with friends and watched Leanne Womack in concert. The rest of the weekend we spent with friends at BBQ's and hanging out at home.

I've been feeling pretty great lately which I'm very happy about. I've been tired and occasionally get headaches but other than that Baby Kryg's is being a great roomate inside my belly. I just can't wait until the first ultrasound to find out how far along he or she is! According to Kenny it's a boy already and if it does happen to be a girl, "she better go back in there and grow more." Of course he's just kidding (I hope).

We have a pretty busy next couple weeks planned. This weekend we're driving home for vacation and to spend some time with family. We'll be going to his parents beach house in NJ and also spending time at my parents. Kenny has a motorcycle course next weekend that he's really excited about! Hopefully I feel like good all the way through vacation! We'll see...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy July!

I can't believe it's already July! It's already been over a week since we found out we're pregnant. Time is flying by but I hope the summer doesn't pass too quickly. Friday is the 4th of July and I can't wait to go watch fireworks.
So I'll be setting up an appointment with WIC pretty soon so we can start getting some necessities while I'm pregnant and after the baby is born. Seeing as formula is outrageous. I've felt pretty good for the past few days. I had a headache a few times but nothing more than that. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant! Let's pray it stays that way. I recently weighed myself and so far haven't gained any extra lbs...we'll see how fast that creeps up on me.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

1st Appt!

I woke up early this morning and remembered it was time to schedule my first OB/GYN appt! I'm so excited to find out exactly how far along I really am. So my first ultrasound is on July 24th, which is great time because it's two days after we return from vacation. On June 28th I have my first pelvic exam (woo hoo) but I'm relieved that everything is scheduled.

I also found out some great news yesterday about my friend Becky. While Kenny and I were at the commissary, we ran into her husband Charlie. She's 6 weeks pregnant!! I'm really excited for her and for me because now I have someone to talk to and go through being preggo with. I wonder how far apart we'll be from our due dates. We'll see!

Today I felt okay just pretty lazy. I think I layed on the couch most of the afternoon watching Harry Potter :D Kenny got home from work early and it was nice to just relax. He says our baby is going to be lazy if I keep being lazy lol. He was just kidding! This weekend I have to work so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I don't feel crappy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Officially" Pregnant

I know two posts in one day, probably thinking I'm a little obsessive already. However I forgot to mention that I had a Dr. appt. yesterday! No ultrasound yet (too early) but I did however have to go in and have an official pregnancy test. Like 2 home tests weren't enough to tell me the stork would be making a delivery soon. That's the way the Marine Corps makes ya do it though. Kenny and I went and of course it came back positive. Although the nurse didn't seem too excited for us, we thought maybe the reaction of some parents to be weren't always as wonderful as ours. So what's next? I have to call tomorrow and my OB/GYN appt. will be set up and the ultrasound will promptly follow.

Time to go eat!

BIG Surprise

VERY BIG surprise and very happy surprise! WE'RE PREGNANT! June 23rd (1 day after my 25th bday) we found out. So whoever decides to read this, here's how it went down.

The past 2 weeks or so I hadn't been feeling so great. I was constantly tired and always had a headache. Most of the time I just associated this with either drinking too much :D or staying up too later playing Wiiii. Kenny and I have been talking about trying to get pregnant; especially after a visit from his brother Daniel and his fiancee Lena with their 7 month old son (our new nephew) Daniel III. However; with my irregular period we never though this day would come. So to make a long story short...on Sunday (my birthday) I was feeling particularly crappy but since it was my birthday we decided to go out to dinner. After dinner we were "supposed" to stop and pick up a preggo test, but we didn't because we were lazy. My new cinnaBUN (inside joke) in the oven wanted to wait 1 more day to let us know.

I woke up Monday morning (June 23rd) feeling so sick I didn't even want to get out of bed! Kenny and I decided that I need to take a test to figure out if we were pregnant and then go from there (because I knew something was making me sick). Kenny was working so I drove to the store and picked up a few things, including a preggo test! As soon as I got home I took the test and really did NOT think it would come up positive. especially after so many failed attempts. That first little, pink line showed up very quickly and I chalked my sickness up to nothing more than a long hangover. Another minute or so passed and as I returned to the bathroom that second (mysterious to me) pink line showed up. I ran downstairs just to re-check the box to make sure that 2 lines meant pregnant...sure enough BABY KRYGIER is on the way.

I called Kenny and after he though I was lying for about 2 minutes finally said, "Hey everyone, we're gonna have a baby!" We spread the great news quickly and everyone is super happy!
So begins the long journey of preggo pains, morning sickness, binge eating, and mood swings! I'll keep everyone (or whoever decides to read this) updated on Baby Krygier!