Thursday, June 26, 2008

1st Appt!

I woke up early this morning and remembered it was time to schedule my first OB/GYN appt! I'm so excited to find out exactly how far along I really am. So my first ultrasound is on July 24th, which is great time because it's two days after we return from vacation. On June 28th I have my first pelvic exam (woo hoo) but I'm relieved that everything is scheduled.

I also found out some great news yesterday about my friend Becky. While Kenny and I were at the commissary, we ran into her husband Charlie. She's 6 weeks pregnant!! I'm really excited for her and for me because now I have someone to talk to and go through being preggo with. I wonder how far apart we'll be from our due dates. We'll see!

Today I felt okay just pretty lazy. I think I layed on the couch most of the afternoon watching Harry Potter :D Kenny got home from work early and it was nice to just relax. He says our baby is going to be lazy if I keep being lazy lol. He was just kidding! This weekend I have to work so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I don't feel crappy.

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