Wednesday, August 27, 2008

17 wks 3 days.

On the 25th I had another OB appointment. It was really exciting because I love hearing the baby's heartbeat. Kenny wasn't able to come this time :( Sadly he hasn't even gotten to hear the heartbeat yet but I know he'll come one of these days. It was my first appt. at Henderson Clinic and seeing as I've been there plenty of times before, it was really no big deal. My midwife (Lt. Somerville) was awesome. She is super nice and loves to talk (just like myself). I found out she is from Annapolis, Maryland which isn't too far from Delaware. Also, while we were listening to the heartbeat we heard the baby kick! Of course I can't feel kicks yet but she said that's definitely what it was. She asked if I could feel the baby moving around yet and I told her the "flutters" I've been getting. She said that's probably the baby! It's so exciting. I know Kenny wants to be able to feel it but I think he's still got weeks before he can.

I told her about my morning headaches and she said to keep an eye on them. If they continue she can prescribe me something to make it better. Good news to me because I hate having a headache everyday.

This weekend is the Labor Day weekend and we decided to take a trip home. I'm really excited since we haven't seen our family since June I believe. Plus I have ultrasound pictures to show and shopping with my Mommy to do! Plus I miss all my neices and nephews terribly. Kenny is exhausted from working like 12 hr days lately so I think the time away will be good for him.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's not goodbye, it's see ya later!

Yesterday was Kassy's "goodbye" lunch put together by Mandi and Trina. It was a sad but fun day. About 10 or so of us met at Cici's for a delicious pizza buffet. I always stuff myself of course! This is the only picture I got so far but there's a group shot of us that some random man took. Kassy and Nate are moving back to Maine because Nate's 4 years are up! What an exciting time for them. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if we were in the same position. Moving home and starting new lives. Sometimes I wish it was.

Although this was the goodbye lunch I know we'll see her and Nate before they leave next Wednesday. Monday night they're having a get together at Logans that we will also be attending. I'm really gonna miss Kas! She is one of the first friends I met after our boys deployed and was very supportive throughout the deployment. It would be wonderful to go to Maine and visit them sometime. Also they'll be visiting in Jacksonville too! So it's not GOODBYE it's see ya later Kas and Nate!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Haven't really posted much lately but not too much to update on. The picture above is from Mandi's baby shower that Kas threw last Friday. It was a great time and Mandi looked so great! This is one of the first pictures of me looking pregnant. I'm still in that, "is she pregnant or just chubby?" phase but slowly but surely my belly is getting bigger. Most of my clothes barely fit anymore and I either have to leave a button undone or be uncomfortable all day. I need to pick up some maternity clothes!

My next Dr's appt is August 25th and I'll be about 18 weeks then. I wish I was getting another ultrasound because I WANT to know some badly what we're having. However the Naval Hospital won't do a second ultrasound until 22 weeks :(

Kenny and I have been discussing names for girls but are still undecided. We have a middle name that will remain a surprise until the time is right. Of course the perfect crib we want isn't available at Babies R Us right now so hopefully that will come in soon!
Other than that Kenny starts journeyman's school this upcoming week and will be busy! After that it's off to Cherry Point, which won't be until December. Great! I'll be over 8 months pregnant and trying to move.