Tuesday, October 7, 2008

23 wk checkup!

Today I went for my checkup at the Henderson Clinic! I'm 23 wks and 2 days as of right now and my lil man's heartbeat is strong and healthy. Time is really going by so fast right now that I honestly can't believe I'm this far along. We're almost finished our registry and my baby shower is at the end of November. I'm so excited to go home for Thanksgiving and for the baby shower. I still don't really look pregnant (surprise surprise) but at least I'm not gaining TONS of weight. Even though Kenny says I look like "Santa." Thank you my love! As of right now I've gained about 10-12 lbs and I'm only 2 lbs from weighing the same as Kenny. haha. He also thinks this is hilarious. I scheduled my blood glucose test today and in 5 weeks I have to go back for that! In the meantime I hope my belly grows so I look more pregnant then fat!

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