The last time I posted I wasn't able to upload the pics from my baby shower so here are a few! I also posted recent ones of the baby's nursery which is almost finished. We still have a few things to organize and need to buy a dresser but other than that it's almost done...yay!

More updates!--Last week I had my 36 week checkup and had my group beta strep test done. The baby sounds great and his heartbeat is very strong. Afterwards Lt. Sommerville asked if I wanted to be checked and of course we said yes! As soon as she started to check my cervix I could tell something was up. Her face was VERY surprised. The baby has dropped all the way down, I'm 100% effaced and already 1 cm dialated! I was just as surprised as she was and Kenny and I got very excited. Lt. Sommerville doesn't seem to think I'll make it to my due date. Speaking of my due date, I really believe I'm further along then they think. Because of my irregular periods it's hard to pin point conception BUT seeing as I'm 37 wks and already dialating, I think it may be a little off :) All this is fine by me because the sooner he comes, the better. The past few days Kenny and I have been trying to make me go into labor lol. I won't speak of some of the WEIRD things they say to do but we've been so excited since my appt. that we REALLY want him to come now. Last night I had a lot of trouble sleeping and had pains that felt like menstural cramps. Then today I threw up! I've only thrown up like one other time during this pregnancy so I really think he's coming soon.